How Many Octaves in a Piano? (2023)

Octaves in a Piano

If you are taking up piano lessons, or are a proficient pianist, you would have come across the term octave during music lessons, or while playing for a choir. The term Octave is derived from the Latin Word Octo which means eight. Wonder how many octaves are in a piano? An octave is a series … Read more

Top 10 Piano Tips and Tricks for Beginners (2023)

Top Piano Tips and Tricks

Every pianist starts learning from scratch with little or no skills and experience. Some of them succeed within a short period while the others take ages. As nothing comes easily, a beginner pianist needs to observe some tips and tricks in order to master everything related to playing the piano. Get Rid Of Beginner Anxiety … Read more

What is Polyphony in Digital Piano? (2023)

What is Polyphony in Digital Piano

The Term poly refers to many and phony refers to sound and polyphony is the maximum number of notes that the keyboard can play simultaneously. It could range from 16 to 256 notes and pianists can choose instruments with their desired number of polyphonies while buying the digital pianos.  It is important to look for … Read more